VIPedgeUsing Companion ApplicationsVIPedge UG 12/12 TOSHIBA 1594. Select “Add Roster to Groups…”5. On “Select Groups to Add” dialog, user is given option to create new group.Rename Roster Group A roster group can be renamed to a new roster group name. When the groupname is changed, existing members are moved to the new group.1. Bring up group tab2. Select one roster group3. Right click to bring up popup menu4. Select “Rename Roster Group” menu optionEnter new group name in the following dialog and click OK buttonDelete RosterGroup(s)When roster group is deleted, all the members are removed from the group.1. Bring up group tab2. Select roster group(s)3. Right click and select “Delete Roster Group” (shown below).4. Confirm the delete when asked.Rosters Rosters are contacts that user has added to their roster groups and/or subscribed.Add Roster Adding a roster means putting the contact into a roster group. There are severalways to add roster:1. From Group or Contact popup menu, select “Add Roster” option