VIPedge UG 12/12 TOSHIBA 77Using Call Manager Features 8This chapter defines how to use the VIPedge features using Call Manager.Features included are Call Handling, System and Microsoft Outlook features.Personal Call Handler (PCH) rules can be created to respond and take actions oncalls automatically, or Programmable Buttons can be used for even easier accessto many features.Adding a CallManager Account 1. Click the Call Manager Main Menu button.2. Click on the Change Login, Change Account Profile. The Call Manager LoginProfile dialog box displays.3. Click the Add New button. The Add Profile dialog box displays.4. Enter a profile name in the Description field. This should be a recognizablename.5. Click the Edit Primary button to change the extension. A Net Server ClientLogon Settings screen displays.6. Enter the user name in the Login Name field.7. Enter the password.8. Enter the Extension.9. Enter the Hostname. This is the name of the Call Processing container(FQDN – Fully Qualified Domain Name).10. Click OK.11. In the Type field, select the Audio source . If you select “Use PBX phone” theaudion will go to the desk telephone.The VoIP Softphone will use the softphone of the computer. If VoIP isselected, then complete the following:Primary IP Address: This is the same as the FQDN (hostname)Secondary IP Address: blankPasscode: Enter the passcode to connect to the softphone12. Click the Save button.13. Then click the Use button.Call HandlingFeatures Call Handling features include how to dial, answer, hold, transfer and hang upcalls. It also includes how to view the Extra Call Information when attached to acall.Making OutgoingCallsCall Manager supports a number of ways to place calls including openarchitecture links to other programs or contact managers, which can also be used