-23- Recording PatternWhen the CAMERA INPUT parameter in the VIDEOINPUT menu is set to A+B (CAMERA ID OFF), thisitem lets you select recording of pre and post-frames from input A and/or B.1. Move the cursor to the REC PATTERN parame-ter in the TIME LAPSE menu by pressing theor button.2. Select the desired recording input by pressingthe or button as shown below.Pre FrameQuantityZeroAAABBB–––AA and BBAA/BBAA/ABBB/AABB/ABAB/AAAB/BBAB/ABMore thenoneAABBA and BA and BA and BBA and BAA and BABA and BPre FrameRecordedPost FrameRecordedParameter Sensor RecordThis item lets you select whether to record sensor inputfrom the SENSOR IN terminal on the rear of the DiscRecorder according to the same pattern as set for alarmrecording or according to a different pattern.1. Move the cursor to the SENSOR REC parameter inthe TIME LAPSE menu by pressing the orbutton.2. Select either pattern by pressing the or but-ton.SAME AS ALARM: Same recording pattern as foralarm activationDIFF FROM ALARM: Different recording patternthan for alarm activationThe default setting is SAME AS ALARM.3. If you select DIFF FROM ALARM in step 2 above,you need to change the following parameters.• Pre FramesThis item lets you select the number of pre-framesrecorded when there is sensor input from the SEN-SOR IN terminal.The maximum number of pre-frames is set with thePRE FRAMES parameter above.1. Move the cursor to the PRE FRAMES parameterin the TIME LAPSE menu by pressing the orbutton.2. Select the number of pre-frames to be recordedby pressing the or button.2. Select TIME LAPSE * by pressing the orbutton, then press the SET button. The TIME LAPSEmenu shown below appears on the monitor screen.TIME LAPSE(MODE* )CAPTURE RATE 0.20 sec(RECORD TIME 1h35m)PRE FRAMES 0REC PATTERN -SENSOR REC SAME AS ALARMPRE FRAMES -POST REC PATTERN -MANUAL REC ALARM OFFRECORD PARTITION 80AUTO START OFF3. Move the cursor to the parameters by pressing theor button, then select the desired mode bypressing the or button. Capture RateThis item lets you specify the interval (seconds) forrecording of multiple freeze pictures.1. Move the cursor to the CAPTURE RATE parameterin the TIME LAPSE menu by pressing the orbutton.2. Select the desired interval by pressing the orbutton.The following intervals are available depending onthe selected pixel number.720 * 480: 0.07, 0.10, 0.17, 0.20, 0.33, 0.50, 1.0,2.0, ····· 30.0720 * 240: 0.03, 0.07, 0.10, 0.17, 0.20, 0.33, 0.50,1.0, 2.0, ····· 30.0The default setting is 0.20 sec. Pre FramesThis item lets you select the number of pre-framesrecorded in standby for manual recording or prior toalarm input in alarm recording mode.1. Move the cursor to the PRE FRAMES parameterin the TIME LAPSE menu by pressing the orbutton.2. Select the desired number of frames by press-ing the or button.The default setting is 0.