-13- Series Recording 2(Alternate Time Lapse Recording)Connect the terminals on the Terminal Boards of the MASTER and SLAVE Recorder as shown below.When there is no more recording space on the disc of the MASTER recorder, time lapse recording switches to theSLAVE recorder. For uninterrupted recording, the disc of the MASTER recorder can be exchanged while recording isswitched to the SLAVE recorder.(Up to 16 recorders including the MASTER recorder can be connected to record sequentially.)(Auxiliary Alarm Recording)An auxiliary record is made on the SLAVE recorder when a second alarm signal is received while the MASTER recorderis recording. This function is not available while the MASTER recorder is in an operating mode other than AlarmRecording (playback, search, etc.).Connect the required video and audio input to both recorders.For sensor input, connect the SENSOR IN instead of the ALARM IN terminals.WJ-DR200 MASTER Recorder SLAVE RecorderWJ-DR200GNDSENSOR INALARM INALARM RESET INSERIES REC INTIME ADJUST INGNDALARM OUTALARM RECOVER OUTALARM RECRECDISCBUZZER OUTSYSTEM ERROR OUTTHERMAL ERROR OUTTIME ADJUST OUTSERIES REC OUTLEDMONITORGNDSENSOR INALARM INALARM RESET INSERIES REC INTIME ADJUST INGNDALARM OUTALARM RECOVER OUTALARM RECRECDISCBUZZER OUTSYSTEM ERROR OUTTHERMAL ERROR OUTTIME ADJUST OUTSERIES REC OUTLEDMONITORConnection for Alternate Time Lapse Recording Series Recording ConnectionThe WJ-DR200 can be set up for automatic serial recording by connecting a second recorder to its Terminal Board. Series Recording 1 (Alternate Alarm Recording)Connect the terminals on the Terminal Boards of the MASTER and SLAVE recorder as shown below.Connect the required video and audio input to both recorders.This will enable recording alarms alternately on the MASTER and on the SLAVE recorder. When there is no morerecording space on the disc of the MASTER recorder, alarm recording switches to the SLAVE recorder.WJ-DR200 MASTER Recorder SLAVE RecorderWJ-DR200GNDSENSOR INALARM INALARM RESET INSERIES REC INTIME ADJUST INGNDALARM OUTALARM RECOVER OUTALARM RECRECDISCBUZZER OUTSYSTEM ERROR OUTTHERMAL ERROR OUTTIME ADJUST OUTSERIES REC OUTLEDMONITORGNDSENSOR INALARM INALARM RESET INSERIES REC INTIME ADJUST INGNDALARM OUTALARM RECOVER OUTALARM RECRECDISCBUZZER OUTSYSTEM ERROR OUTTHERMAL ERROR OUTTIME ADJUST OUTSERIES REC OUTLEDMONITOR