English100Symptoms CheckThe LightID cannot be received.Check that [LightID] is not set to [Off]. (see page 51)When [LightID] is not set to [External control]Check that the LightID transmission is specified by “MultiMonitoring & Control Software” or the function of the USBmedia player. (see page 76)Check if intense light is hitting the LCD panel.Reception may be difficult if the displayed image is dark.Check that the devices such as smartphones are connectedproperly.LCD Display panelSymptoms CheckThe screen darkens slightly when bright pictureswith minimal movements are shown.The screen will darken slightly when photos, still images ofa computer or other pictures with minimal movements areshown for an extended period. This is done to reduce imageretention on the screen and the shortening of the screen’sservice life: It is normal and not indicative of malfunctioning.It takes a while for the picture to appear.The unit digitally processes the various signals in orderto reproduce esthetically pleasing images. As such, itsometimes takes a few moments for the picture to appearwhen the power has been turned on, when the input hasbeen switched.The edges of the images flicker.Due to the characteristics of the system used to drive theliquid crystal panel, the edges may appear to flicker in thefast-moving parts of the images: This is normal and notindicative of malfunctioning.There may be red spots, blue spots, green spotsand black spots on the screen.This is a characteristic of liquid crystal panels and isnot a problem. The liquid crystal panel is built with veryhigh precision technology giving you fine picture details.Occasionally, a few non-active pixels may appear on thescreen as fixed points of red, blue, green, or black. Pleasenote this does not affect the performance of your LCD.Image retention appearsImage retention may occur. If you display a still picture foran extended period, the image might remain on the screen.However, it will disappear when a general moving picture isdisplayed for a while. This is not considered as malfunction.This LCD Display uses special image processing. Hence a slight time lag may occur between image and audio,depending on the type of input signal. However, this is not a malfunction.