4.8 Extension ProgrammingOutgoing Permitted Outside Line Assignment — Day / Night605-606System Programming 4-125Description Determines the outside lines which can be accessed by an extensionin both day and night modes. The extension users can makeoutgoing outside calls using the assigned outside lines.Selection • Jack number: 1 through 8, (-1 / -2),( =all jacks, -1 = first part, -2 = second part)• Outside line (CO) number: 1 through 3, ( =all outside lines)• Enabl (enable) / Disab (disable)Default All jacks-1/2 – all outside lines – Enable — Day / NightProgramming 1. Enter a program address (605 for day or 606 for night).Display example: 605 CO DAY OUT2. Press NEXT.Display: Jack NO?→3. Enter a jack number.To enter jack number 1, you can also press NEXT.To select the second part (-2), press NEXT after entering a jacknumber.Display example: #1-1:CO1:Enabl4. Enter the desired outside line number, or keep pressingor until the desired outside line is displayed.To change the current entry, enter the new number.5. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection isdisplayed.6. Press STORE.7. To program another jack, press NEXT or PREV, orSELECT and the desired jack number.8. Repeat steps 4 through 7.9. Press END.