Installation Manual References3.3.1 IPCMPR Card3.3.3 RMT Card (KX-TDA0196)4.1 Overview4.2 PC Connection4.3 Installation of the Maintenance ConsolePC Programming Manual References13.1 [11-1] Main→RS-232C— External Modem Command—Automatic Initialization→RS-232C— External Modem Command—Manual Initialization 1–Manual Initialization 5→Remote→Password— System Password - PC Programming—User Level→Password— System Password - PC Programming—Administrator Level→Password— System Password - PC Programming—Installer LevelPT Programming Manual References[801] External Modem Control[810] Remote Programming[811] Modem Floating Extension Number[812] ISDN Remote Floating Extension NumberFeature Manual References4.1.6 DID (Direct Inward Dialing)4.1.7 DIL (Direct In Line)13.1.3 Password Security13.1.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary DirectoryNumber) ExtensionDescriptionPrimary Directory Number (PDN) buttons and Secondary Directory Number (SDN) buttons are ideal for usebetween bosses and secretaries. When a call (intercom or CO) arrives at a PDN button on the boss’s extension,the call will ring and the LED of the SDN button will flash at the secretary’s extension as well, indicating thatan incoming call is arriving at the boss’s extension. In addition, caller information (e.g., Caller ID) of the incomingcall will appear on the secretary’s extension. The secretary can answer the call for the boss by simply pressingthe SDN button. Delayed ringing can be set for a PDN or SDN button.A secretary can hold a call answered on the SDN button, and the boss can retrieve the held call simply bypressing the PDN button, like when answering a call with an S-CO button. In addition, a secretary can transfercalls from an SDN button or other button (e.g., S-CO button) to the boss’s extension with a simple operation,like when using a DSS button.An extension can have several SDN buttons, each registered to a different boss’s extension. However, onlyone SDN button can be registered for a single boss at each extension. An extension can have up to eight PDNbuttons. PDN buttons can simplify the use of an extension because both intercom and CO line calls can bemade and received at a PDN button.206 Feature Manual Document Version 2009-1213.1.7 PDN (Primary Directory Number)/SDN (Secondary Directory Number) Extension