Destination AvailabilityAnalog/ISDN Remote Maintenance üIdle Line Access no. + Phone no. üTrunk Group Access no. + Trunk Group no. + Phone no. üExtension of Another PBX (via TIE Line, Access with PBX Code) üExtension of Another PBX (via TIE Line, Access without PBX Code) ü2. Busy on BusyThe Busy on Busy feature works when the destination for the Intercept Routing—Overflow in an IncomingCall Distribution Group feature is not assigned in one of the following conditions:a. There is no space in the Waiting queue.b. The Queuing Time Table is not assigned and there are no extensions logged-in.[Example of a)]There are five assistants in a shop. When the answering agent number is "2", and the queuing call numberis "0":If two of the assistants are talking on the phone, the next caller will hear a busy tone to prevent the callerfrom thinking that there is no one in the shop or that the shop is closed.Conditions[Intercept Routing—Overflow in an Incoming Call Distribution Group]• If the Overflow time expires, and the overflow destination is unavailable:a. If the CO line call arrives through the LCOT or T1 (LCOT/GCOT) card:(1) If the call was once in a queue and an outgoing message (OGM) was sent to it, or the call reachedan incoming call distribution group by using the DISA feature (® 4.1.8 DISA (Direct Inward SystemAccess)): The line is disconnected.(2) In all other cases: Redirection is ignored and the Overflow timer activates again.b. If the call arrives through another card: Redirection is ignored and the Overflow timer activates again.[Busy on Busy]• If a CO line call arrives through the LCOT or T1 (LCOT/GCOT) card, a busy tone will not be sent to thecaller.PC Programming Manual References5.12 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings→Overflow Queuing Busy→Overflow No Answer5.14 [3-5-2] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Queuing Time TablePT Programming Manual References[625] Destination for Overflow Time Expiration[626] Overflow Time[627] Destination When All Busy[628] Queuing Call Capacity[632] Maximum Number of Agents148 Feature Manual Document Version 2009-129.1.5 ICD Group Features—Overflow