Operation Manual – Configuration File ManagementH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 Configuration File Management1-3I. Modes in saving the configurationz Fast saving mode. This is the mode when you use the save command without thesafely keyword. The mode saves the file quicker but is likely to lose the originalconfiguration file if the device reboots or the power fails during the process.z Safe mode. This is the mode when you use the save command with the safelykeyword. The mode saves the file slower but can retain the original configurationfile in the device even if the device reboots or the power fails during the process.Caution:S3100 series Ethernet switches do not support the safe mode. When you are saving aconfiguration file using the save safely command, if the device reboots or the powerfails during the saving process, the configuration file will be lost.II. Three attributes of the configuration filez Main attribute. When you use the save [ [ safely ] [ main ] ] command to save thecurrent configuration, the configuration file you get has main attribute. If thisconfiguration file already exists and has backup attribute, the file will have bothmain and backup attributes after execution of this command. If the filename youentered is different from that existing in the system, this command will erase itsmain attribute to allow only one main attribute configuration file in the device.z Backup attribute. When you use the save [ safely ] backup command to save thecurrent configuration, the configuration file you get has backup attribute. If thisconfiguration file already exists and has main attribute, the file will have both mainand backup attributes after execution of this command. If the filename you enteredis different from that existing in the system, this command will erase its backupattribute to allow only one backup attribute configuration file in the device.z Normal attribute. When you use the save cfgfile command to save the currentconfiguration, the configuration file you get has normal attribute if it is not anexisting file. Otherwise, the attribute is dependent on the original attribute of thefile.Note:The extension name of the configuration file must be .cfg.