Operation Manual – Stack-ClusterH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 Cluster2-2z It eases the configuration and management of multiple switches: You just need toconfigure a public IP address for the management device instead of for all thedevices in the cluster; and then you can configure and manage all the memberdevices through the management device without the need to log onto them one byone.z It provides the topology discovery and display function, which assists in monitoringand maintaining the network.z It allows you to configure and upgrade multiple switches at the same time.z It enables you to manage your remotely devices conveniently regardless ofnetwork topology and physical distance.z It saves IP address resource.2.1.2 Roles in a ClusterThe switches in a cluster play different roles according to their functions and status. Youcan specify the role a switch plays. A switch in a cluster can also switch to other rolesunder specific conditions.As mentioned above, the three cluster roles are management device, member device,and candidate device.Table 2-1 Description on cluster rolesRole Configuration FunctionManagement deviceConfigured witha external IPaddressz Provides an interface for managing allthe switches in a clusterz Manages member devices throughcommand redirection, that is, itforwards the commands intended forspecific member devices.z Discovers neighbors, collects theinformation about network topology,manages and maintains the cluster.Management device also supportsFTP server and SNMP host proxy.z Processes the commands issued byusers through the public networkMember deviceNormally, amember deviceis not assignedan external IPaddressz Members of a clusterz Discovers the information about itsneighbors, processes the commandsforwarded by the managementdevice, and reports log. The memberdevices of a luster are under themanagement of the managementdevice.