Operation Manual – AAAH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 AAA Configuration2-13Note:Actually, the RADIUS service configuration only defines the parameters for informationexchange between switch and RADIUS server. To make these parameters take effect,you must reference the RADIUS scheme configured with these parameters in an ISPdomain view (refer to Chapter 2 AAA Configuration).2.2.1 Creating a RADIUS SchemeThe RADIUS protocol configuration is performed on a RADIUS scheme basis. Youshould first create a RADIUS scheme and enter its view before performing otherRADIUS protocol configurations.Table 2-11 Create a RADIUS schemeOperation Command RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable RADIUSauthentication port radius client enableOptionalBy default, RADIUSauthentication port is enabled.Create a RADIUSscheme and enter itsviewradius schemeradius-scheme-nameRequiredBy default, a RADIUS schemenamed "system" has already beencreated in the system.Note:A RADIUS scheme can be referenced by multiple ISP domains simultaneously.2.2.2 Configuring RADIUS Authentication/Authorization ServersTable 2-12 Configure RADIUS authentication/authorization serversOperation Command RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create a RADIUS schemeand enter its viewradius schemeradius-scheme-nameRequiredBy default, a RADIUSscheme named "system"has already been createdin the system.