Operation Manual – SSHH3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 SSH Configuration1-26Operation Original commands Current commandsSpecify on the clientthe host public key ofthe server to beconnectedssh client { server-ip |server-name } assignrsa-key keynamessh client { server-ip |server-name } assignpublickey keynameAssign a public key toan SSH userssh user username assignrsa-key keynamessh user usernameassign publickeykeynameCreate an SSH userand specify pubblickeyauthentication as itsauthentication typessh user usernameauthentication-type rsassh user usernameauthentication-typepublickeyNote:z After the RSA key pair is generated, the display rsa local-key-pair publiccommand displays two public keys (the host public key and server public key) whenthe S3100-EI switch is working in SSH1-compatible mode, but only one public key(the host public key) when the switch is working in SSH2 mode.z The result of the display rsa local-key-pair public command or the public keyconverted with the SSHKEY tool contains no information such as the authenticationtype, so they cannot be directly used as parameters in the public-key peercommand. For the same reason, neither can the result of the display public-keylocal rsa public command be used in the rsa peer-public-key command directly.1.7 SSH Configuration Examples1.7.1 When Switch Acts as Server for Local Password AuthenticationI. Network requirementsAs shown in Figure 1-10, establish an SSH connection between the host (SSH Client)and the switch (SSH Server) for secure data exchange. The host runs SSH2.0 clientsoftware. Password authentication is required.II. Network diagramFigure 1-10 Switch acts as server for local password authentication