7. AdvancedImage 7-1657. Press ENTERA dialog box is displayedImage 7-1668. Use ←or →, the numeric keys on the remote, or the keypad to change the settings. CLO-TOD color trackingDescriptionCLO-TOD color tracking is used to compensate for color variation caused by changing the dimmer transmission. By default CLO-TOD color tracking is enabled.It is however possible to disable CLO-TOD color tracking. In this case, the color variation amongst different dimmer transmissions(i.e. different TOD settings) is not compensated.Disabling CLO-TOD color tracking1. In the OSD, browse to Display setup > Dynacolor > CLO-TOD color tracking > Off.2. Press Enter to confirm.R59770330 SIM 7QP SERIES 08/12/2014 143