7. AdvancedThe item is focusedImage 7-1342. Use the ← and → to select the level (from 1 to 6)How to adjust the soft edge ?1. Press AdjustAn Edit dialog box is displayed and the left side soft edge zone is selected. The default level is level 1.2. Use the ← and → to select a point within the same level and side to be displacedNote: The ↑ and ↓ can be used to switch to another level or to another side of the image.3. Press ENTER to go to the Edit mode4. Use the ↑ and ↓ arrows to select the desired field5. Press ENTER to edit the fieldThe edit field is put in the edit mode6. Use the arrows or the digits to fill in the desired x position of the selected point (in this case the left top point of level 1)7. Press ENTER to confirmThe selected point is displaced to the new position (x=100 ; Y=0).8. Press BACK to exitA dialog box is displayed. Press ENTER to confirmAll the points of the higher levels (level 2, ...) are altered by this adjustment. The points that belong to thesame level (level 1) remain in the same position (anchors). Alpha planesAlpha plane specificationAn alpha plane is a bitmap file which will be applied to the image in order to obtain a desired soft edge. The file must be a .TIFF fileand it must have the same resolution as the projector’s native resolution.Uploading an alpha plane fileAlpha planes must be uploaded in the following projector directory (accessible via FTP) :/D/display/SoftedgeThe file must be named as follows :alpha.tiffR59770330 SIM 7QP SERIES 08/12/2014 121