3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 1-1IntroductionThe Security Switch 6200 is a high performance, turnkey security servicesswitch that integrates best-in-class firewall, virtual private networks,intrusion detection, and content security engines. The system offers high portdensity, high availability, and simplicity of management in a compact,expandable form factor.The system is a Network Processor-based security platform that provideexceptional performance while maintaining flexibility for security applicationsupport. The system’s unique flow management and acceleration technologyenables simultaneous processing of traffic by multiple services.The system is used by medium to large enterprises to consolidate thefunctions of multiple appliances at a fraction of the cost.This chapter describes the system components.SystemComponentsThe system has a compact, expandable form factor and is either rack or table-top mountable. The system provides the following features:• Fixed 16-10/100 Ethernet and 2-fiber or copper Gigabit Ethernet (GE)interfaces.• Network Interface Module (NIM) powered by the Network Processor.• Dual-processor motherboard (Application Module) with high-speedPentium III processors.• High-speed Ethernet backplane connecting the network andapplication processing modules.• 40 GB hard drive.• Two out-of-band 10/100 Ethernet management ports.• Two USB ports (may be used for modem support).