4-12 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users GuideConfiguring the Security Switch 6200 SystemModify Physical Interface Parameters or N>[N]:3. Enter y to modify additional physical interfaces or n to return to themain menu.ConfiguringTap InterfacesTap interfaces are used to copy the input and output packets from aphysical interface prior to the processing by the firewall accelerationprocess. These taps can be used by intrusion detection software to sniff theinterface. Tap interfaces can be given any device name of up to 15characters, and a single tap can capture the traffic for multiple physicalinterfaces. To configure Tap Interfaces:1. Select Option 7 from the main menu.Tap Interfaces=============Name Physical InterfacesModify the Tap Interfaces Delete, Modify oreXit>[eXit]: a2. Enter the desired option to add, delete, or modify a tap interface orenter x to return to the main menu. For example:Tap Name []: tap1Physical Interfaces []: fastethernet 1, fastethernet 2,gigabitethernet 17Tap Interfaces=============Name Physical Interfacestap1 fastethernet 1, fastethernet 2, gigabitethernet 17Modify the Tap Interfaces Delete, Modify oreXit>[eXit]:3. Enter the desired option to add, delete, or modify additional tapinterfaces or enter x to return to the main menu. For example:Tap Name []: tap2Physical Interfaces []: fastethernet 3Tap Interfaces=============Name Physical Interfacestap1 fastethernet 1, fastethernet 2, gigabitethernet 17tap2 fastethernet 3gigabitethernet 18 (N) on half 10InterfaceMAC Address(Configured) AutonegDuplex Speed
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