3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 4-1Configuring theSecurity Switch 6200SystemThe system uses a menu driven configuration interface (cos_config) forconfiguration purposes. This tool supports adding, modifying, or deleting anyof the system configuration parameters.This configuration interface is launched from the UNIX admin prompt. Tolaunch this tool, complete the following:1. Log into your system as admin.username: adminpassword: admin2. Change to the bin directory within admin and list the files within thisdirectory to locate the necessary interview file.[admin@xxxxx admin]# cd /usr/os/bin[admin@xxxxx bin]# ls3. Execute the file cos_config and execute the following command at theadmin prompt:[admin@xxxxx bin]# ./cos_configOnce the configuration tool is launched, you are presented with an interactivemain menu.