3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 4-21Configuring the Security Switch 6200 SystemExiting fromtheConfigurationToolTo exit from the system Configure Tool, select Option X from the main menu.Enter choice <1 - 12, X>[X]: XSaving YourSystemConfigurationTo save your configuration, at the admin prompt, use the following command:[admin@xxxxx bin]# ./cos_show_system -f /directory/filenameWhere the directory specifies the directory where the file is located, andthe filename is the actual configuration file. The following is an example ofthis command:[admin@helios bin]$ ./cos_show_system -f /tmp/fooRestoringYour SystemConfigurationTo restore your configuration to its previous configuration, at the adminprompt, use the following command:[admin@xxxxx bin]# ./cos_set_system -f /directory/filenameWhere the directory specifies the directory where the file is located, andthe filename is the actual configuration file. The following is an example ofthis command:[admin@helios bin]$ ./cos_set_system -f /tmp/fooDisplayingYour SystemConfigurationTo display a configuration, at the admin prompt, use the following command:[admin@xxxxx bin]# ./cos_show_systemThe following is an example of this command:[admin@helios bin]$ ./cos_show_systemhostname="helios"domainname="3com.com"timezone="America/New_York"telnet_server="enabled"ftp_server="enabled"gateway=""address="">