6-4 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users GuideUpgrading the System Software Using the Safe Upgradeand Rollback FeaturesUpgradingfrom Softwareto a UP Whilean RP isOperational(Rollback)Newer versions than 2.1 and greater allow you to install the system softwareto a UP while an RP is operational. This is done using /usr/os/sbin/install-cos.Install-cos can install to either part 1 or 2 of the disk. You can run install-coswhile the system is booted from the install server or the system is running offthe disk.! CAUTION:Caution: Reboot into the UP first, making sure the UP is working, thenupgrade within the UP, leaving the good RP alone.To install to the UP of your system while the system is running with the RP:1. Enter the following command:/usr/os/sbin/install-cos -p 2 <release directory>2. Manually configure the UP identically to the RP (System configurationand applications).3. Switch to the RP and upgrade the RP.4. If upgrades work correctly you are done. If, however, the upgrades fail,reboot the system. By default the system boots with the functional UP.