3-4 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users GuideInterface Connections and First Time Start-Up2. Attach the male end of the power cable into an AC power source. Thesystem is powered up when power is applied to the power supplies.NOTE: If the system is powered up with one power supply or if one of thepower supplies experiences a loss of power, an audible alarm sounds. Tosilence this sound, press the red button located on the left side of the primarypower supply.Startup andNormalOperationLED DisplaysDuring power up and normal operation, you can observe start-up activityby checking LED activity on the system front panel.Table 3-1 describes the various front panel LEDs and their function.Table 3-1 Front Panel LED Descriptions1. The PWR LED sleep indication is maintained on standby by the system. If thesystem is powered down without going through BIOS, the LED state in effect atthe time of power off, is restored when the system is powered on until cleared bythe BIOS. If the system is not powered down normally, the PWR LED mayblink even though the SYS LED may be off due to a failure or configurationchange that prevents the BIOS from running.2. The Amber status takes precedence over the Green status. When the AmberLED is on or flashing, the Green LED is off.3. This LED is also off when the system is powered off or in a sleep state.LED Color/Label State Description10/100 Fast Ethernet Green On Ethernet connectivity present.Yellow Flashing Traffic is present.10/100/100 FastEthernet/GigabitEthernetFiber/Green On Fiber connectivity present.Activity/Green Flashing Traffic is present.Link/Green On Ethernet connectivity present.Power/Sleep(PWR) Green On Power on.Flashing 1 In sleep state.Off Off Power is off.MGMT1/MGMT2 Green Random Flash NIC activity present.System Status (SYS) Green On Running with normal operation.Flashing 2 Degraded.Amber On Critical or non-recoverable condition.Flashing 2 Non-critical condition.Off Off Post/system stop.Disk Activity (HDD) Green Random Flash Disk activity present.Off Off 3 No hard disk activity detected.