3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 4-25Configuring the Security Switch 6200 System>Restoring thesystem toFactoryDefaultSettingsTo delete the current configuration and return the system to its factorydefaults, use the following command at the admin prompt.NOTE: The IP address of interface Management 1, telnet, and the defaultgateway are left in tact. This done in the event you telneted into the box.[admin@xxxxx bin]$ ./cos_reset_systemGetting HelpWithin theConfigurationToolTo receive help from within the system Configuration Tool, use the followingcommand at the admin prompt.[admin@xxxxx bin]$ ./cos_show_system --helpThe following options can be used within this Help system:cos_show_system [OPTION...]-v, --version - displays the current configuration toolversion number.-h, --help - displays the configuration tool’s helpsystem.-f, --file=STRING - displays the configuration outputfile. The default value is stdout.-d, --default - tells the Help system to includedefault values.