6.1 Alarm Displays6.1.2 Troubleshooting Alarms6 Maintenance6-76.1.2 Troubleshooting AlarmsThe causes of and corrections for the alarms are given in the following table. Contact yourYaskawa representative if you cannot solve a problem with the correction given in the table.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction ReferenceA.020:ParameterChecksum Error(There is an errorin the parameterdata in theSERVOPACK.)The power supplyvoltage suddenlydropped.Measure the powersupply voltage.Set the power supply volt-age within the specifiedrange, and initialize theparameter settings. *1The power supplywas shut OFF whilewriting parameter set-tings.Check the timing ofshutting OFF the powersupply.Initialize the parametersettings and then set theparameters again.The number of timesthat parameters werewritten exceeded thelimit.Check to see if theparameters were fre-quently changed fromthe host controller.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.Reconsider the methodfor writing the parame-ters.–A malfunction wascaused by noise fromthe AC power supply,ground, static elec-tricity, or other source.Turn the power supplyto the SERVOPACKOFF and ON again. Ifthe alarm still occurs,noise may be thecause.Implement countermea-sures against noise. *1Gas, water drops, orcutting oil entered theSERVOPACK andcaused failure of theinternal components.Check the installationconditions.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK.Turn the power supplyto the SERVOPACKOFF and ON again. Ifthe alarm still occurs,the SERVOPACK mayhave failed.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A.021:Parameter For-mat Error(There is an errorin the parameterdata format in theSERVOPACK.)The software versionof the SERVOPACKthat caused the alarmis older than the soft-ware version of theparameters specifiedto write.Read the product infor-mation to see if the soft-ware versions are thesame. If they are differ-ent, it could be thecause of the alarm.Write the parameters fromanother SERVOPACK withthe same model and thesame software version,and then turn the powerOFF and ON again.*1A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A.022:System Check-sum Error(There is an errorin the parameterdata in theSERVOPACK.)The power supplyvoltage suddenlydropped.Measure the powersupply voltage.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–The power supplywas shut OFF whilesetting a utility func-tion.Check the timing ofshutting OFF the powersupply.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK.Turn the power supplyto the SERVOPACKOFF and ON again. Ifthe alarm still occurs,the SERVOPACK mayhave failed.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–Continued on next page.