3.1 Outline3.1.1 Position Correction Table Block Diagram3 Position Correction Table3-3This function is enabled after either of the following operations is performed during positioncontrol.• When using an absolute encoderThe SENS_ON (Turn Sensor ON: 23h) command is sent from the host controller.• When using an incremental encoder• The ZRET (Zero Point Return: 3Ah) command is sent from the host controller.• The reference point is set (REFE = 1) using the POS_SET (Set Coordinate System: 20h)command from the host controller.3.1.1 Position Correction Table Block DiagramWith each control cycle in the Servo (less than or equal to the communications cycle), the posi-tion of IPOS (Internal Reference Position) is corrected by the Position Correction Table.• The PSET and NEAR signals are output based on the corrected position.• The software limit function uses the uncorrected position.• This product assumes a system that issues commands for the same target position to themaster axis and slave axis.To use this product for any other application, contact your Yaskawa representative.If there is a deviation in the position of the origin, a deviation will occur in the values set in thePosition Correction Table, and the function may not work effectively. Configure the system so thatthe position of the origin does not deviate.InformationImportantSERVOPACK (master)INTERPOLATE/POSING Servo-motorTPOSAPOSServocontrolIPOSSERVOPACK (slave)TPOSAPOSIPOS’ Servocontrol++IPOSΔdINTERPOLATE/POSINGIPOSIPOSPositionCorrectionTable++Host controllerΔdServo-motorPositionCorrectionTable