6.3 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servomotor6-466.3 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the ServomotorThis section provides troubleshooting based on the operation and conditions of the Servomo-tor, including causes and corrections.Problem Possible Cause Confirmation Correction ReferenceServomotorDoes NotStartThe control power supply isnot turned ON.Measure the voltagebetween control powersupply terminals.Turn OFF the powersupply to the servosystem.Correct the wiring sothat the control powersupply is turned ON.–The main circuit power sup-ply is not turned ON.Measure the voltageacross the main circuitpower input terminals.Turn OFF the powersupply to the servosystem.Correct the wiring sothat the main circuitpower supply is turnedON.–The I/O signal connector(CN1) pins are not wired cor-rectly or are disconnected.Turn OFF the power sup-ply to the servo system.Check the wiring condi-tion of the I/O signal con-nector (CN1) pins.Correct the wiring ofthe I/O signal connec-tor (CN1) pins.*The wiring for the Servomo-tor Main Circuit Cables orEncoder Cable is discon-nected.Check the wiring condi-tions.Turn OFF the powersupply to the servosystem.Wire the cable cor-rectly.–There is an overload on theServomotor.Operate the Servomotorwith no load and checkthe load status.Turn OFF the powersupply to the servosystem.Reduce the load orreplace the Servomo-tor with a Servomotorwith a larger capacity.–The type of encoder that isbeing used does not agreewith the setting of Pn002 =n.X (Encoder Usage).Check the type of theencoder that is beingused and the setting ofPn002 = n.X.Set Pn002 = n.Xaccording to the type ofthe encoder that isbeing used.*There is a mistake in theinput signal allocations(Pn50A, Pn50B, Pn511,Pn516, or Pn590 to Pn599).Check the input signalallocations (Pn50A,Pn50B, Pn511, Pn516,and Pn590 to Pn599).Correctly allocate theinput signals (Pn50A,Pn50B, Pn511, Pn516,and Pn590 to Pn599).*The SV_ON command wasnot sent.Check the commandssent from the host con-troller.Send the SV_ON com-mand from the hostcontroller.–The SENS_ON (Turn ONSensor) command was notsent.Check the commandssent from the host con-troller.Send the commands tothe SERVOPACK in thecorrect sequence.–The P-OT (Forward DriveProhibit) or N-OT (ReverseDrive Prohibit) signal is stillOFF.Check the P-OT and N-OT signals.Turn ON the P-OT andN-OT signals. *The FSTP (Forced StopInput) signal is still OFF. Check the FSTP signal.• Turn ON the FSTPsignal.• If you will not use thefunction to force themotor to stop, setPn516 = n.X(FSTP (Forced StopInput) Signal Alloca-tion) to disable thesignal.*Continued on next page.