3.4 Position Correction Table Settings3.4.2 Position Correction Table Details3 Position Correction Table3-73.4.2 Position Correction Table DetailsThis section provides the following details on the Position Correction Table.Example: Table entries is 7. No.Up to 128 table entries can be set. Pre-correction PositionEnter the value of APOS (Feedback Position) of the master axis.Note: For consecutive table numbers, the difference between the pre-correction positions and the differencebetween the correction amounts cannot exceed 1,073,741,823 [reference unit]. Correction ValueEnter the numeric value which is the result of subtracting the feedback position value of themaster axis from the feedback position value of the slave axis. Start and End Table NumbersEnter a pre-correction position and adjustment amount for a position that exceeds the oper-ating range.If the operating range set in the Position Correction Table is exceeded, the correction cannotbe applied to the position and unstable operation may occur at the coordinate positions setat both ends of the table.Set the Position Correction Table as given below.If the Position Correction Table is not set as given below, A.E94 (Position Correction Table SettingError) will occur, and the Position Correction Table cannot be written to the SERVOPACK.• Ensure that the values for consecutive pre-correction positions in the Position Correction Tablesatisfy the following condition: value of pre-correction position < value of next pre-correctionposition.• Ensure that the values for consecutive correction positions calculated by the Position Correc-tion Table satisfy the following condition: value of correction position < value of next correctionposition. The correction position is the reference position of the slave axis after correction (pre-correction position + correction amount in Position Correction Table).• Set the correction positions and correction amounts between -2,147,483,648 and2,147,483,647.No.Pre-correctionPositions[Reference unit]Correction Value[Reference unit]1 -500,000 1002 -400,000 1003 -300,000 1504 -200,000 2505 -100,000 1006 0 -507 100,000 -50• If the gantry cannot be moved to a position that exceeds the operating range due to themechanism, enter a value that exceeds the end of the operating range for the pre-correc-tion position. In the above example, set the same correction amount as table numbers 2and 6.• Positions are corrected by performing linear interpolation on the correction amounts of thepositions between consecutive table numbers.Important OperatingRangeInformation