4.1.6 DID (Direct Inward Dialing)DescriptionDirects a call on a public CO line assigned as a Direct Inward Dialing (DID) line to a preprogrammed destinationaccording to the call’s DID number, which is based on the telephone number dialed by the caller. When a callreaches its destination via DID distribution, the DID name will be displayed on the proprietary telephone (PT),allowing extension users to easily see whom a call is directed to. Each DID number has a destination for eachtime mode.DID distribution allows you to use your telephone numbers for specific purposes. For example, you can directcalls from customers’ fax machines to your office fax machine automatically, or allow your overseas customersto be automatically connected to specific operators. Incoming calls with DID numbers that match extensionnumbers at this PBX will be sent to the corresponding extension. Incoming calls with DID numbers that matchextensions at other PBXs or CO line access numbers will be sent to the corresponding TIE line or CO line.[Method Flowchart]YesYesNoDoes the call have Caller IDinformation and is CLI distributionenabled for the DID number in thecurrent time mode?NoHas the callerbeen stored in the System SpeedDialing Table and has a CLI destinationbeen assigned?The call is routed to theDID destination.The call is routed to itsCLI destination.NoYesIs the DID number found inthe DID Table?YesIs a DID destination assignedfor the current time mode?NoThe call is routed to anoperator (InterceptRouting—No Destination).A CO line call is received on a DID line.Does the DIDnumber match anextension number?YesThe call is routedto the extension.Does the DIDnumber match an extensionnumber at another PBX or COLine Access no.?YesThe call is routedto the TIE line orCO line.NoNo70 Feature Manual Document Version 2009-124.1.6 DID (Direct Inward Dialing)