16.1.7 Speed Dialing, System3.1.15 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)DescriptionCalling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP):The PBX can send a preprogrammed telephone number to the network when an extension user makes a call.The called party can see the number on his telephone display before answering the call.Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP):The PBX sends a preprogrammed telephone number to the network when the extension user answers anincoming call. The caller can see the number of the answering party on his telephone display when the call isanswered.[CLIP Example]ISDN1) Dials"87654321".Called partyCLIP No.: 87654321CallerCLIP No.: 123456782) "12345678"is displayed.PBX[COLP Example]PBXISDN FWD, IRNA, etc.1) Dials"111222333".2) Answers the call.3) "111222444"is displayed.CallerCalled party(CLIP/COLP No.:111222333)Answering party(CLIP/COLP No.:111222444)CLIP/COLP Number:The telephone numbers sent to the network for CLIP/COLP can be assigned as follows:• CLIP/COLP number for each ISDN port (subscriber’s number).• CLIP/COLP number for each extension.• CLIP/COLP number for each incoming call distribution group.Each extension can select either the CLIP/COLP number for the ISDN port or the extension to be used. TheCLIP/COLP number for the ICD group is used when making a call by pressing the ICD Group button or receivinga call which arrives at the ICD Group button.Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) and Connected Line Identification Restriction(COLR)It is possible for each extension to prevent the sending of its telephone number to the network by pressing theCLIR button, COLR button or entering the feature number.Document Version 2009-12 Feature Manual 533.1.15 CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation)