61GlossaryThe following terms are used throughout the guide.Arm/Disarm: “Armed” simply means that the burglary portion ofyour system is turned ON and is in a state of readiness. “Disarmed”means that the burglary system is turned OFF, and must be rearmedto become operational. However, even in a “disarmed” state,“emergency”, "carbon monoxide" and “fire” portions of your systemare still operational.Bypass: To intentionally leave a specific zone unprotected while therest of the system is armed.Console Emulation: Console Emulation Mode allows you to use aTouchCenter interface just as you would a regular system keypad.All commands shown in Console Emulation mode can also beexecuted from a standard alpha keypad.Day/Night Zone: An area of protection whose violation causes atrouble indication during the disarmed (DAY) mode and an alarmduring the armed (NIGHT) mode.Delay Zone: An area of protection containing doors most frequentlyused to enter or exit (typically, a front door, back door, or door fromthe garage into the building). The delay zone allows sufficient timefor authorized entry or exit without causing an alarm. Consult yourinstaller for the entry and exit delay times that have been set for yoursystem during installation and record them on the separate sheetprovided in this guide.Home Screen: The screen that is normally displayed on theTouchCenter when entries are not being made. The TouchCenter willreturn to this screen when the “Home” button is pressed or when anentry is not received for a pre-set period of time.Keypad: This is the device through which you operate your system.It contains graphical buttons. These graphical buttons control thearming or disarming of the system, and perform other functions thatwere previously described in this manual.Lighting Button: A button on the Home screen that allows you tocontrol lights or other devices if so programmed by your systeminstaller.