System Overview (Cont'd)12time to leave through the designated exit door without setting off analarm. Exit delay begins immediately after entering any armingcommand, and applies to all modes of arming protection. Ifprogrammed, a slow beeping will sound throughout the exit delayperiod. Additionally if programmed, a rapid beeping may soundduring the final 10 seconds of the exit delay period.Note: On some systems, pressing the Voice Status Icon restarts theexit delay. Refer to your control panel User Guide to see if this isapplicable on your system.Entry delay gives you time to disarm the system when you enterthrough the designated entrance door. But the system must bedisarmed before the entry delay period ends, or an alarm will occur.The keypad will beep during the entry delay period, reminding you todisarm the system. Ask your installer about the delay timesprogrammed into your system.AlarmsWhen an alarm occurs, the TouchCenter (and any other keypads) andexternal sounders will sound, and the zone(s) causing the alarm aredisplayed. If your system is connected to a central monitoring station,an alarm message will also be sent. To stop the alarm sounding,simply disarm the system.Memory of AlarmWhen an alarm condition occurs, the number(s) of the zone(s) thatcaused the problem are displayed, along with the type of alarm. Theseremain displayed until cleared.Note: If you change screens, the alarm in memory can be viewed andcleared by selecting the Display Faults button on the Arming Screen.Fire ProtectionThe optional fire protection portion of your security system (if used) isalways on and will sound an alarm if a fire condition is detected.Note: If a fire or smoke detector develops a low battery, a “FireMaintenance” message is displayed. To determine which zone iscausing the problem, go to “Display Faults” to determine which zonehas the low battery indication.Carbon Monoxide ProtectionThe optional carbon monoxide protection portion of your securitysystem (if used) is always on and will sound an alarm if a carbonmonoxide condition is detected.