Voice Messages (Cont'd)343. Press the Stop button when you are done recording the message.The message indicator will be flashing and the message will be listedin the message list window.4. To record additional messages, repeat steps 2 and 3 above or toexit, press the BACK or HOME button and the “Home” screen will bedisplayed.Retrieving and Deleting a Voice MessageTo retrieve a voice message, do the following:1. From the "Home" screen, press the MESSAGE button. The "MessageCenter" screen is displayed.SCREEN ACTION2. Select the message you wish to listento by touching it in the message list andthen pressing the Play Message button.As the message is being played, a “Play(x): Voice Memo…” message is displayedabove the message list window.When the end of the message is reached,the playback will stop.3. To listen to the next message, pressthe Advance One Message and Playbutton.Note: At any time you may highlight amessage you want to listen to and pressthe Play Message button as described instep 2 above.4. If you wish to delete messages, pressthe Delete button. The “Delete Memo”screen will be displayed. You can pressthe Del Selected button to delete only thecurrently selected message and return tothe “Message Center” screen, Del Allbutton to delete all messages and returnto the “Message Center” screen,or the Cancel button to return to the“Message Center” screen without deletingany messages.5. To exit, press the BACK or HOMEbutton and the “Home” screen will bedisplayed.