Security (Cont'd)28carbon monoxide zone, pressing the CLEAR button and thenentering your user code.Note: Contact your Central Station/Security Company for servicing ifyou have further problems with your carbon monoxide system.Advanced System FeaturesWhile most of the commonly used security functions are availablefrom the TouchCenter’s advanced user interface, there are some lessused, advanced features that can either be accessed through ConsoleEmulation mode on the TouchCenter or a standard alpha keypad. Touse features not supported by the TouchCenter, refer to your ControlPanel User Guide.More ChoicesHow to Clear a Control Panel MessageWhen a Control Panel Message is displayed, the user has two options.a) User can clear the Control Panel Message immediately, or b) Usercan minimize the window and clear it at a later time. Refer to thesection below to Hide the Control Panel Message.SCREEN ACTION1. To clear Control Panel Messages,press the CLEAR button.2. Enter your Authorized Code.3. Once your Authorized Code isaccepted, the Control Panel Message willbe cleared.If the alarm is still present, press CLEARagain and then enter your AuthorizedCode again.