Setup (Cont'd)51SCREEN ACTION10. Press the Save button. The systemwill save the configuration. When thesave is complete, the User Setup screenis displayed with the new user’s nameshown.How to Delete a UserDelete a User as follows:SCREEN ACTIONThree selections are available: add auser, edit a user, or delete a user.1. To delete a user, touch the circle nextto the user to be deleted and press theDELETE USER button. The "UserAuthorization" screen is displayed with theinstructions "Enter Authorized Code".2. Enter your Authorized code. TheConfirm Delete screen is displayed.Note: The authorized code for deleting,adding, and editing users is dependentupon the alarm panel you are interfacingwith. Check your alarm panel Installationand Setup Guide to determine who candelete, add, and edit users.