11System OverviewIntroduction to Your SystemThis system offers you burglary protection and may offer fire, carbonmonoxide and emergency protection. Monitoring is accomplishedwith various contact and motion sensors for perimeter and interiorburglary protection, plus the system may have strategically placedsmoke, heat, carbon monoxide or combustion detectors.Burglary ProtectionThe burglary protection portion of your system must be turned on or"armed" before it will sense burglary alarm conditions. Your systemprovides three modes of burglary protection: Away, Stay, and Night,and even allows you to “bypass” selected zones of protection whileleaving the rest of the system armed (e.g. this enables you to arm thesystem but leave upper-story windows open.)The system also provides a Chime mode in all keypads, and Voicemode, for alerting users to the opening and closing of doors andwindows even while the system is disarmed.PartitionsThis system may be configured to arm and disarm more than onearea, each as if it had its own control. These areas are calledpartitions. Partitions are used when the user wants to disarm certainareas while leaving other areas armed, or to limit access to certainareas to specific individuals. Each user of the system can beauthorized to operate all or only some partitions, and can be givendifferent privileges in each. Information about Partitions ispresented later in this document.ZonesYour system's sensing devices have been assigned to various "zones."For example, the sensing device on your Entry/Exit door may havebeen assigned to zone 01, sensing devices on windows in the masterbedroom to zone 02, and so on. These numbers will appear on thedisplay, along with an alpha descriptor for that zone (if programmed),when an alarm or trouble condition occurs.Entry/Exit DelaysYour system has preset time delays, referred to as exit delay andentry delay. Whenever you arm your system, exit delay gives you