Honeywell SF340F User Manual
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User ManualCarbon Monoxide AlarmModel SF340 SeriesCAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THISINSTRUCTION MANUAL BEFORE USING THE ALARM.RETAIN THE MANUAL IN A SAFER PLACE FOR FUTUREREFERENCE. PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THE SAFETYWARNINGS. BE SURE TO PASS THE MANUAL ONTO ANYSUBSEQUENT USERSOF THE ALARM.WHEN INSTALLING THIS ALARM FOR USE BY OTHERS PLEASELEAVE THIS MANUAL OR A COPY WITH THE END USER.This manual covers the following models:SF340E 230V, 50Hz Standard ModelSF340F 230V, 50Hz Output Model(for relay and interconnect feature)SF340J 12/24Vdc Output Model(for relay and interconnect feature)Each of the models above comes complete with:SF340M Carbon Monoxide Sensor Module including batteryback-up and electrochemical gas sensing system.WARNINGActuation of your Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarmindicates the presence of Carbon Monoxide (CO)which can KILL YOU.THIS Carbon Monoxide ALARM MAY NOT PROTECT PEOPLE WHOARE AT SPECIAL RISK BY REASON OF AGE, PREGNANCY ORMEDICAL CONDITION. THESE INDIVIDUALS MAY CONSIDER US-ING WARNING DEVICES WHICH PROVIDE AUDIBLE AND VISUALSIGNALS FOR Carbon Monoxide CONCENTRATION UNDER30PPM. IF IN DOUBT PLEASE CONTACT YOURMEDICAL PRACTITIONER. A Carbon Monoxide ALARM IS NOT ASUBSTITUTE FOR A SMOKE ALARM OR A COMBUSTIBLEGAS DETECTOR.This Carbon Monoxide alarm is designed to detect CarbonMonoxide gas from any source of combustion including wood,coal, coke, oil, petrol and gas.This Carbon Monoxide Detector is NOT• Designed to detect smoke fire or any other gas.• To be seen as a substitute for the proper servicing of fuel-burningappliances or the sweeping of chimneys.• To be used on an intermittent basis, or as a portable alarm for thespillage of combustion products from fuel burning appliances orchimneys.CAUTIONThis Carbon Monoxide alarm is designed for indoor use only. Do notexpose to rain or moisture. Do not knock or drop the alarm. Do nottamper with the alarm as this could cause electric shock or alarmmalfunction. The alarm will not protect against the risk of CarbonMonoxide poisoning when the battery back up is no longerfunctioning. This alarm will only indicate the presence of CarbonMonoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon Monoxide gas may be presentin other areas. Do not paint.TESTING YOUR ALARMA green power light indicates power is supplied. The alarm should betested weekly by pushing and holding the test button on the front ofthe unit. The alarm signal should sound. If relay models are in use orunits are interconnected please be aware that the relay function will beactivated upon test.CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF ALARMThe outside casing of the alarm should be wiped occasionally with acloth. Ensure that the holes on the front are not blocked with dirt anddust. DO NOT USE CLEANING AGENTS, BLEACH OR POLISH.IMPORTANT• Ideally it is recommended that a Carbon Monoxide alarm shouldbe installed in or near to every room which contains a fuel burningappliance such as gas fires, central heating boilers, room heaters,water heaters, cookers, grills etc• Ensure that the alarm buzzer can be heard by all those who areintended to hear it.• Seek medical help if it is suspected that a member of thehousehold is suffering from Carbon Monoxide poisoning.IF FURTHER DETAILS ARE REQUIRED THAT DONOT APPEAR IN THIS MANUAL PLEASE CONTACTHONEYWELL ANALYTICS.PACK CONTENTSModels SF340E, SF340F, SF340J will contain:One alarmOne Sensor Module (SF340M)One instruction manualOne installation kit, consisting of:Two wall plugsTwo wall fixing screwsTwo electrical mounting screwsSPECIFICATIONModels: SF340E,F,JGas Detected: Carbon MonoxideDetection Principle: Electro-chemical cellAlarm Indication: Flashing red light and audiblealarmAlarm Levels: 150ppm Between 10 and30 minutes350ppm Within 6 minutes.(as required byBS7860: 1996)Supply Voltage Range: SF340E,F 220/240Vac,50HzSF340J 12Vdc ±10% or24Vdc ±10%Operating Temperature: -5ºC to 40ºC.Humidity Range: 30 to 90% RH.Warm-up Time after Initial Switch On: Instantaneous.Normal Module Operating Life: 5 years.Backup Battery Life when in Alarm: At least 5 days.Dimensions: 170mm x 110 mm x 65mm.Weight: Approximately 575g.DISPOSAL WARNING: Do not dispose of in fireGUARANTEEWe guarantee your new gas alarm for five years, from the dateof purchase and under normal use and service, to be free fromdefects in materials and workmanship. During this period we will,at our discretion, repair, replace of refund the price of any part ofthe gas alarm which is found to be defective in either materials orworkmanship providing this occurs under normal use and service.We shall, however, be under noobligation to repair, replace orrefund the price of units which are found to be defective in any waydue to damage, neglect, unreasonable use or which have beentampered with or found to have been dismantled. Defective unitsshould be returned, in suitable packaging, along with proof ofpurchase to Honeywell Analytics, 4 Stinsford Road, NuffieldIndustrial Estate, Poole, BH17 0RZ. An accompanying letter shouldstate clearly any problem with the gas alarm. This guarantee doesnot affect your statutory rights.INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing this alarm which is designed to detectthe presence of Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas. This manual containsinformation on the installation and the operation of the SF340modular Carbon Monoxide alarm.THIS ALARM SHOULD ONLY BE INSTALLEDBY A COMPETENT PERSONALL ELECTRICAL WIRING SHOULD BE INSTALLEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT WIRING REGULATIONS OFTHE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS1. WHAT IS CARBON MONOXIDE?Carbon Monoxide is a highly poisonous gas which is releasedwhen fuels are burnt. It is invisible, has no smell and no taste,therefore it is very difficult to detect with the human senses.Potential danger areas in your homeGas, coalor woodfireBoiler orHeaterWaterHeaterPortable gasor paraffinheaterCloggedchimneyor flueCar fumesfromgaragePortablecookingequipmentused inenclosed areasKitchencookerUnder normal operating conditions, in a room where fuelburning appliances are well maintained and correctly ventilated,the amount of Carbon Monoxide released by the appliances isnot dangerous.A dangerous quantity of Carbon Monoxide can occur if one ormore of the following conditions exists:1. An appliance is faulty or badly maintained.2. A flue is partially or totally blocked.3. A room is not adequately ventilated.The following conditions can result in transient Carbon Monoxidesituations:1. Excessive spillage or reverse venting of fuel burning appliancescaused by outdoor ambient conditions such as:i. Wind direction and/or air velocity; including high gusts ofwind. Heavy air in the vent pipes(cold humid air withextended periods between cycles)ii. Negative pressure differential resulting from use of exhaust fans.iii. Simultaneous operation of several fuel burning appliancescompeting for limited internal air.iv. Flue connections breaking loose from clothes dryers, waterheaters or boilers.v. Obstructions in or unconventional flue designs which canamplify the above situations.2. Extended use of unvented fuel burning devices.3. Temperature inversions which can trap exhaust gases near theground.4. A car running in an open or attached garage near a home.2. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING?The following symptoms are related to Carbon Monoxidepoisoning and should be discussed with ALL members of thehousehold:Mild exposure: Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue(often described as “flu-like” symptoms)Medium exposure: Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness,confusion, fast heart rate.Extreme exposure: Unconsciousness, convulsions,cardiorespiratory failure, death.Many reported cases of Carbon Monoxide poisoning indicate thatwhile victims are aware they are not well, they become sodisorientated that they are unable to save themselves by eitherexiting the building or calling for assistance. It is also important tonote that young children and pets may be the first to be affected.3. IN WHICH ROOM SHOULD I PUT THE ALARM?Ideally you should have an alarm in or near every room whichcontains a fuel-burning appliance.However, if you have more than one appliance but only one alarm,you should take the following into consideration when decidingwhere best to put the alarm:• If there is a fuel burning appliance in a room where peoplesleep, you should put the alarm in that room.• If there is a fuel burning appliance in a room you use a lotsuch as a sitting room, you should put the alarm in that room.• If you live in a bed-sit put the alarm as far away from thecooking appliance as possible, but near to the room whereyou sleep.• If the fuel burning appliance is in a room not normally used(e.g. a boiler room) put the alarm just outside the room so youwill be able to hear it.4. WHERE SHOULD I PUT THE ALARM?Carbon Monoxide has a similar density to warm air. To ensure themost effective use is made of the alarm it should be fitted at least1.5m (5’) above floor level and at least 1.85m (6’) from the fuelburning appliance. Warm air naturally rises; it is better to install theunit higher rather than lower. The SF340 Series can be fitted on thewall or on the ceiling.ALARM1.85m(6’)(min)1.5m(5’)(min)5. WHERE NOT TO PUT THE ALARMDo not place the alarm in the following areas:• Outside the building.• In or below a cupboard.• In a damp or humid area.• Directly above a sink or cooker.• Next to a door or window or anywhere it could be affectedby drafts.• Where the airflow to the alarm could be obstructed by curtainsor furniture.• Where dust or dirt could collect and block the sensor.• Where the temperature could drop below -5ºC or rise above 40ºC.• Where it could be easily knocked or damaged.• Within 1.5m (5 feet) of any cooking appliance.6. OPERATING OF THE ALARMThe detector is not fitted with an on/off switch, it is automaticallyswitched on when the power source is activated. This is to ensurethe detector can not be inadvertently switched off and thereforefail to detect a build up of Carbon Monoxide.Normal operationWhen the unit is powered from the primary power source (e.g.230Vac, 12/24Vdc), the green light will be illuminated. (The greenlight will not be illuminated when the battery backup is in use.)When no Carbon Monoxide is present the red alarm light will flashapproximately once every 60 seconds. This indicates the alarm isworking correctly.Alarm conditionsWhen the unit detects Carbon Monoxide, the alarm signal is givencontinuously. The red light will flash and the buzzer will sound.When the unit has been in alarm for a period of 40 minutes, thealarm signal will be given once every 60 seconds.Return to normal operationWhen the Carbon Monoxide disperses, the alarm will automaticallystop. The red light will flash approximately once every 60 seconds(normal operation.)Battery replacement warningWhen the backup battery in the SF340M module needs replacing theaudible alarm will sound a single short beep once every 60 seconds.The battery must then be replaced. The red light will flash once every60 seconds as normal. See Section 10 on batteries.Module replacement warningWhen the module (SF340M) needs replacing, the audible alarm willsound two short beeps every 60 seconds. At this time the modulemust be replaced. The red light will flash once every 60 seconds asnormal.7. SF340 SERIES FEATURESAll units are powered by a primary power source (e.g. 230V or12/24Vdc) and contain a replaceable Module which houses thebattery backup and gas sensing systems.POWER LIGHT (all SF340 models)The green power light will illuminate when the primary powersource is connected and working (230V or 12/24Vdc according tomodel). This light will illuminate even when the Module is not fitted.ALARM/CONFIDENCE LIGHT (all SF340 models)In normal operation the red light will flash once per minute toindicate that the unit is operating correctly. This light will flashwhether the Module is powered from the primary power source orthe battery backup. In the alarm condition it will flash five timesper second.AUDIBLE ALARM (all SF340 models)In the alarm condition the buzzer will sound. Models SF340E,SF340G and SF340H will sound the Morse Code signal for ‘CO’(– • – • – – –). Models SF340F and SF340J will give a continu-ous buzzer sound and this will continue for 90 seconds after thealarm light has stopped. Where models SF340F and SF340J areinterconnected, all units connected will sound the continuousalarm signal. Only units in alarm will have a continuously flashingalarm light.BATTERY BACKUP (all SF340 models)All models in the SF340 series have a battery backup feature. Thispowers the alarm in the event of a primary power failure (230V or12/24Vdc according to model).TEST BUTTON (all SF340 models)All models in the SF340 series have a test button. This ispositioned on the front of the unit and when pushed will causethe audible and visual alarm signals to be given. If the relay andinterconnect options are used, these will also operate when thetest button is pressed. Note that for models SF340F and SF340Jthe buzzer will sound and the relay will operate for 90 seconds.RELAY OUTPUT (Models SF340F & SF340J)The relay provides a single pole changeover (SPCO) volt freecontact which can be used to signal to a control panel or switchan external siren or gas valve. The relay contacts are rated at 3A/ 230Vac and will change state when the unit goes into the alarmcondition or when the test button is pressed. When the unit comesout of the alarm condition the relay will automatically revert to itsoriginal state after a delay of 90 seconds.INTERCONNECT (Models SF340F & SF340J)The interconnect facility enables up to 20 SF340F or SF340Jalarms to be connected together. If one unit goes into the alarmcondition the audible alarm on all interconnected units will sound.This alarm signal is a continuous tone. The unit that caused thealarm can be identified as it will be the only one with acontinuously flashing alarm light. When the unit comes out of thealarm condition the alarm light will stop giving the alarm signal.After a delay of 90 seconds the buzzers of all interconnected unitswill stop sounding and the relays will reset.8. HOW SHOULD I INSTALL MY ALARM?ELECTRICAL BOX MOUNTING HOLESCABLE ENTRY POINTSWALL FIXING HOLESA. MountingSelect a suitable location to install the alarm (see Section 4‘WHERE SHOULD I PUT THE ALARM’ and Section 5 ‘WHERENOT TO PUT THE ALARM’).The model number and supply voltage are marked on the powersupply unit and can be viewed with the outer cover removed.Models SF340E, SF340F, SF340J1. Remove the outer cover of the unit by gently pushing in the 2edge clips. Remove the power supply unit by pushing in thelower clip and lifting off.2. Decide where the electrical supply cable is to enter the unit andcut out the appropriate cable entry on the base. If the wiring tothe unit is surface mounted, standard 16mm x 25mm electricaltrunking must be used for the cable.3. The unit has been designed to be either surface or flushmounted:a) Surface MountMark the position of the 2 mounting holes, drill two 5mmdiameter holes and secure the unit to the wall using the screwsand wall plugs provided.b) Flush MountUsing a standard 2 gang 28mm mounting box, complete theelectrical connections (see below), re-fit the power supply coverand secure using the 2 M3.5 screws provided.B. Electrical ConnectionsModel SF340E1. The SF340E must be supplied from a non-switched 3 Ampfused spur (230Vac).2. Connect the supply wiring to the 3 way terminal blockprovided. (Maximum wire size is 2.5mm²)3. Connect the brown wire of the power supply unit to the red orbrown wire of the supply (live).4. Connect the blue wire of the power supply unit to the blackor blue wire of the supply (neutral).5. No connection must be made to the mains supply earth.The earth wire can be sleeved and connected to the thirdterminal of the block to avoid contact with any other wires.6. Once all electrical connections are made, locate the terminalblock in the base by fitting on the pegs.7. Fit the power supply unit to the base ensuring that the wires sitin the base and do not get trapped. Check that the powersupply is positioned correctly and the fixing clip has operated.Secure the power supply in place by tightening the securingscrew.Important: The power supply securing screw must be tight-ened to ensure electrical safety.Model SF340F1. The SF340F must be suppliefrom a nonswitched 230Vacspur. No external fuse is requiredsince a fuse is incorporated inthe unit. (Maximum wire size is2.5mm²)2. Connect the red or brown (live)wire of the supply to the terminalmarked L on the connectionboard fitted to the base of the unit.3. Connect the black or blue (neutral) wire of the supply to theterminal marked N.4. No connection must be made to the mains supply earth.(Refer to later section for Relay and Interconnect Connections)Important: The power supply securing screw mustbe tightened to ensure electrical safety.Model SF340J1. The SF340J must be suppliedfrom a 12Vdc or 24Vdcsupply. No external fuse isrequired since a fuse isincorporated in the unit.2. Connect the positive supply wire(+12Vdc or +24Vdc) to theappropriate terminal marked onthe base of the unit.3. Connect the negative supply wire (0V) to the terminal marked 0V.4. No connection must be made to the supply earth.(Refer to following section for Relay and Interconnect Connections)RELAY CONNECTIONS (Models SF340F & SF340J only)The relay connections are made using the terminal block on theconnection board marked RELAY O/P. Connections to the relayvolt free contacts are as follows:N/C – Normally closedCOM – CommonN/O – Normally openThe relay contacts are rated at 3 Amps / 230Vac.INTERCONNECT CONNECTIONS (Models SF340F & SF340J only)The interconnect system is made using the terminal block on theconnection board marked INTERCONNECT. Units are connectedin series as follows,I/C - Connect to I/C terminals of other SF340F or SF340J alarmsI/C 0V - Connect to I/C 0V terminals of other SF340F orSF340J alarmsA maximum of 20 units can be interconnected.InterconnectRelay OutputPower InputFuse500mA250VInterconnectRelay OutputPower InputFuse500mA250VAlarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3Once all electrical connections have been made, fit the powersupply unit to the base.Ensure that the power supply clip fits correctly and then tightenthe securing screw.Important: The power supply securing screw must betightened to ensure electrical safety.C. Fitting the Module and Turning OnAll SF340 modelsThe sensor module SF340M is used for all the SF340 series units.Simply fit the Module to the installed base and power supply unitand gently push down until it clips into place. The red alarm light willilluminate for approximately 10 seconds when the module is fitted.NOTE: The Module must have the backup battery fitted for the alarmto operate correctly. This applies even if the primary power supplyis present (230Vac, 12Vdc or 24Vdc as appropriate). If no battery isfitted or the battery is flat the audible alarm will sound continuouslywhen the unit is installed and the primary power source is switchedon.Fit the outer cover of the unit by pushing until the clips at either endhold the cover in place.Turn on the electrical supply. Check that the green power lightilluminates and the red alarm lamp flashes briefly once every minute.Push the test button and hold until the audible alarm signal is given.The unit is now ready and working.9. HOW DO I REPLACE THE SENSOR MODULE?All SF340 modelsRemove the outer cover of the unit by gently pushing in the clipsat either end. Remove the module fixing screw (if fitted) and unclipthe Module from the installed base and power supply unit. Thereplacement Module can simply be clipped into the power supplyunit and the fixing screw replaced if used.NOTE: The Module must have the backup battery fitted for thealarm to operate correctly. This applies even if the primary powersupply is present (230Vac, 12Vdc or 24Vdc as appropriate). If nobattery is fitted or the battery is flat the audible alarm will soundcontinuously when the Module is fitted.Push the test button and hold until the audible alarm signal isgiven and the red light flashes. The unit is now ready and working.10. BATTERIESOnly the following batteries are suitable replacements for theSF340M backup battery:Duracell MN1604Rayovac A1604Gold Peak 1604AEnergizer 6LR61/522To replace the backup battery, remove the Module from the unit(see section 9), unclip the battery and replace with a fresh battery.Refit the Module and outer cover to the unit and push and holdthe test button until the audible alarm signal is given and the redlight flashes.11. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF MY ALARM SOUNDS?If your alarm sounds, please proceed as follows:3 Open all doors and windows to ventilate the area and allow theCarbon Monoxide to disperse.3 Where possible turn off all fuelled appliances and stop usingthem.3 Evacuate the property leaving the doors and windows open.3 Ring the gas or other fuel supplier on their emergency numberand explain the problem. Keep their number in a prominentplace.3 Do not re-enter the property until the alarm has stopped.3 Get medical help immediately for anyone suffering from theeffects of Carbon Monoxide poisoning such as, headache,nausea etc and advise that Carbon Monoxide poisoningis suspected.3 Do not use the appliances again until they have been checkedby an expert and the fault located and cleared. In the case ofgas appliances this should be a CORGI registered installer.Power Supply Scuring ScrewBackup BatteryPower Supply UnitIssue 4/ A028942102M0658MAN0820_EMEAI07-08© 2008 Honeywell AnalyticsHoneywell Analytics4 Stinsford RoadNuffield Industrial EstatePoole BH17 0RZUKFreephone: (+44) (0) 800 0642999 |
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