Setup (Cont'd)43SCREEN ACTIONWhen the "Continue" button is pressedthe message "Touch Screen Disabledfor =30 Seconds" is displayed. Duringthese 30 seconds the touch screen shouldbe wiped clean of fingerprints using a mildsoap solution and a soft cloth. When thecounter reaches zero, the windowautomatically closes and the touch screenis active.IMPORTANT: Do not use an abrasive cleaning agent or abrasivecloth when cleaning the TouchCenter or damage to the touch screenmay occur.The Emergency screen cannot be accessed while running in the cleanscreen mode.Home Setup Button LayoutChange the location of the buttons on the display screen as follows:1. From the "Home" screen, press the Setup button. The "Setup" screen isdisplayed.SCREEN ACTION2. Press the Disp&Audio button. The"Display and Audio Setup" screen isdisplayed.3. Press the "Home Setup" button. Theuser has the ability to relocate the"Lighting", "Security", and/or "Message"button.4. Select the button you want to move; thebutton will disappear momentarily. Selectthe desired location by touching that areaon the screen where you want the buttonto appear.