Security (Cont'd)15SCREEN ACTIONArming (typical)Armed (typical)• The TouchCenter beeps twice (Awayand Night Maximum Modes) or 3 times(Stay and Night Instant Modes)• a DISARM button appears• a text message appears stating whichzones are arming and whether or notthere is an entry delay• the screen changes to display theremaining exit delay time, and• The exit delay time continues to countdown to one.When exit delay time expires, the screenautomatically changes to indicate thesystem is "Armed". The system is nowarmed in the selected mode.How to Arm Multiple PartitionsNote: Some systems may not have multiple partitions and the “ArmMulti-Partitions” button may not be displayed.To arm multiple partitions:1. From the "Home" screen, press the SECURITY button. The "Arming" screenis displayed.SCREEN ACTION2. Press the Arm Multi-Partition button.