Appendix A. Performance DataGFK-2222AD April 2018 287A-3.5 Ethernet Global Data Sweep ImpactNote: Refer to Section, A-3.6 for information on standalone models supporting Embedded Ethernetinterface.Depending on the relationship between the CPU sweep time and an Ethernet Global Data (EGD)exchange’s period, the exchange’s data may be transferred every sweep or periodically after somenumber of sweeps. Therefore, the sweep impact varies based on the number of exchanges that arescheduled to be transferred during the sweep. All the exchanges must be taken into account whencomputing the worst-case sweep impact.The Ethernet Global Data (EGD) sweep impact has two parts, Consumption Scan and Production Scan:EGD Sweep Impact = ConsumptionScan+ ProductionScanThis sweep impact should be taken into account when configuring the CPU constant sweep mode andsetting the CPU watchdog timeout.Where the Consumption and Production Scans consist of two parts, exchange overhead and bytetransfer time:Scan Time = Exchange Overhead + Byte Transfer TimeExchange OverheadExchange overhead includes the setup time for each exchange that will be transferred during the sweep.When computing the sweep impact, include overhead time for each exchange.Note: The exchange overhead times in the table below were measured for a test-case scenario of1400 bytes over 100 variables.EGD Exchange Overhead TimeCPU Activity Embedded Ethernet Interface(μs)Rack-based Ethernet Module(μs)CPE302/CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE400Consume / READ —101 —102Produce / WRITE —101 —CPU310/NIU001 Consume / READ NA 233.6Produce / WRITE NA 480.6CPU315/CPU320 Consume / READ NA 100.0Produce / WRITE NA 195.1CPE010 Consume / READ 184.3 238.2Produce / WRITE 342.0 452.0CPE020 Consume / READ 87.7 117.8Produce / WRITE 187.9 257.5CPE030 Consume / READ 85.1 114.1Produce / WRITE 191.8 253.5CPE040 Consume / READ 35.08 47.12Produce / WRITE 75.16 103.0101 EGD Class 1 for this CPU type requires RX3i CPE310/CPE302/CPE305 firmware version 8.30 or later. Prior to that, EGD wasonly possible in RX3i via the ETM001 module. Refer to the Section, A-3.6..102 Performance data not available for this release.