Chapter 3. CPU ConfigurationGFK-2222AD April 2018 1353.4.1 Establishing Initial Ethernet CommunicationsTo establish Ethernet communications between the PME programming and configuration software andthe CPU, you first need to set an IP address. Use one of the following methods:Default IP Addresses for RX3iCPE302/CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE40069 & RSTi-EP CPE100/CPE115Embedded EthernetInitial Ethernet communication with the CPU may be establishedusing the default IP addresses programmed at the factory:RX3iCPE302/CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE400 and RSTi-EPCPE100/CPE115LAN1CPE330/CPE400LAN2RSTi-EPCPE100/CPE115LAN2IPAddress: to CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 Embedded Ethernet whenIP Addresses are not knownIf the IP Address of the CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernetinterface is not known, communication may be established usingone of these methods to set a permanent IP addresses:• Connect to the CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 via its serial port andassign an IP Address to the embedded Ethernet interface bydownloading a hardware configuration.• Connect to the CPE302/CPE305/CPE310 with PME using anIC695ETM001 module with a known IP address and located inthe same rack. Download a new hardware configuration withthe desired IP address for the embedded Ethernet interface.Connecting to CPE330 EmbeddedEthernet when IP Addresses are notknownIf the IP Addresses of the CPE330 embedded LAN1 and LAN2Ethernet interfaces are not known, communication may beestablished using one of these methods to set new IP addresses:• Setting a Temporary IP Address using the Set Temporary IPAddress tool in Proficy Machine Edition (PME). After setting thetemporary address, connect to the selected CPE330 LAN usingPME and download a new hardware configuration with thedesired permanent IP addresses.• Connect to the CPE330 with PME using an IC695ETM001module with a known IP address and located in the same rack.Download a new hardware configuration with the desiredpermanent IP addresses for the CPE330 embedded Ethernetinterfaces.Connecting to CPE400 EmbeddedEthernet when IP Addresses are notknownUse the OLED display to read the IP Address of any LAN.Note: Setting a Temporary IP Address tool is not available forCPE400.69 CPE LAN3 IP Address is not configurable.