Chapter 3. CPU Configuration130 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD3.2.11 Scan Sets ParametersYou can create multiple sets of asynchronous I/O scans, with a unique scan rate assigned to each scanset. You can assign up to 31 scan sets for a total of 32. Scan set 1 is the standard scan set where I/O isscanned once per sweep. Each module is assigned to a scan set during the configuration of that module.Scan Set 1 is the default scan set.Scan Set ParametersNumber A sequential number from 1 to 32 is automatically assigned to each scan set. Scan set 1 isreserved for the standard scan set.Scan Type Determines whether the scan set is enabled (as a fixed scan) or is disabled.Choices: Disabled, Fixed Scan.Default: Disabled.Number ofSweeps(Editable only when the Scan Type is set to Fixed Scan.) The scan rate of the scan set. Double-click the field, then select a value. A value of 0 prevents the I/O from being scanned.Valid range: 0 through 64.Default: 1.OutputDelay(Editable only when the Number of Sweeps is non-zero.) The number of sweeps that the outputscan is delayed after the input scan has occurred. Double-click on field, then select a value.Valid range: 0 to (number of Sweeps - 1)Default: 0.Description (Editable only when the Scan Type is set to Fixed Scan.) Brief description of the scan set (32characters maximum).3.2.12 Power Consumption ParametersThe programming software displays the power consumed by the CPU (in Amps) for each voltage providedby the power supply.