Appendix A. Performance DataGFK-2222AD April 2018 263A-2.3 RX3i & RSTi-EP Instruction TimesThe following tables are intended to provide guidance for expected instruction execution times whenusing Ladder Diagram (LD) and C Language. For simplicity, the instructions are grouped as follows:• Boolean Operation: this includes coil and contact operation (LD only).• Word Operation: applies to MOVE instruction for all basic types.• Fixed-point math covers all math operations which are not floating point (INT, UINT, DINT types).• Floating-point math covers all math operations which are not fixed point (REAL and LREAL types).Execution Times for LD InstructionsType of Operation CPE100/CPE115 CPE310/CPE305/CPE302 CPU320 CPE330 CPE400Boolean Operation 127ns 87ns 46ns 46ns 46nsWord Operation 1276ns 722ns 363ns 275ns 363nsFixed Point Math 1323ns 778ns 413ns 405ns 413nsFloating Point Math 1328ns 771ns 420ns 410ns 420nsExecution Times for C Instructions (Raw processor power)Type of Operation CPE100/CPE115 CPE310/CPE305/CPE302 CPU320 CPE330 CPE400Boolean Operation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AWord Operation N/A 2ns 3ns 2ns 3nsFixed Point Math N/A 20ns 3ns 3ns 3nsFloating Point Math N/A 24ns 9ns 6ns 7ns