Chapter 3. CPU ConfigurationGFK-2222AD April 2018 1113.2 Configuration Parameters3.2.1 Settings ParametersThese parameters specify basic operating characteristics of the CPU. For details on how theseparameters affect CPU operation, refer to PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Programmer’sReference Manual, GFK-2950 Chapter 2.Settings ParametersPasswords Specifies whether passwords are Enabled or Disabled. Default: Enabled.Note: If Enhanced Security67 is enabled in the target properties, the Passwords settingwill be Enabled and read-only, and the Access Control tab appears.When passwords are disabled, they cannot be re-enabled without clearing PLC memory.Stop-Mode I/OScanningSpecifies whether the I/O is scanned while the PLC is in STOP Mode. Default: Disabled.(Always Disabled for Redundancy CPU.)Note: This parameter corresponds to the I/O ScanStop parameter on a Series 90-70 PLC.WatchdogTimer (ms)(Denominated in ms, set in 10ms increments.) Requires a value that is greater than theprogram sweep time.The software watchdog timer is designed to detect failure to complete sweep conditions.The CPU restarts the watchdog timer at the beginning of each sweep. The watchdog timeraccumulates time during the sweep. The software watchdog timer is useful in detectingabnormal operation of the application program, which could prevent the PLC sweep fromcompleting within the watchdog time period.Valid range: 10 ms through 2550 ms, in increments of 10 ms.Default: 200.For details on setting the watchdog timer in a CPU redundancy system, refer to thePACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User Manual, GFK-2308.Logic/ConfigurationPower-upSourceSpecifies the location/source of the logic and configuration data that is to be used (orloaded/copied into RAM) after each power up.Choices: Always RAM, Always Flash, Conditional Flash.Default: Always RAM.Data Power-upSourceSpecifies the location/source of the reference data that is to be used (or loaded/copied intoRAM) after each power up.Choices: Always RAM, Always Flash, Conditional Flash.Default: Always RAM.67 For availability, refer to the Important Product Information document for the CPU firmware version that you are using.