Chapter 3. CPU Configuration116 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual GFK-2222AD3.2.4 TimeThis tab displays the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and Day Light Savings Time (DST) configurationsettings when UTC or DST are active.UTC Offset Local time zone offset with respect to UTC time.Valid Range: Select the closest appropriate time zone for your location.Default: [UTC-5] Eastern Standard Time.DST Offset The offset between DST and standard time in hours and minutes. Minutes are limited tovalues of 0, 15, 30, and 45.Valid Range: 0:00 to 1:00.Default: 0:00.DST Start Month The month when DST starts.Valid Range: January to December.Default: January.DST Start Day The day when DST starts.Valid Range: Sunday to Saturday.Default: Sunday.DST Start Week The week of the month when DST starts.Valid Range: 1 to 5.Default: 0.DST Start Time The time of day in hours and minutes when DST starts.Valid Range: 0:00 to 23:59.Default: 0:00.DST Ref Zone Indicates the time zone of reference for the DST Start and End times. Start and End timesmay be relative to either UTC or Local time.Choices: UTC, Local Time.Default: UTC.DST End Month The month when DST ends.Valid Range: January to December.Default: January.DST End Day The day when DST ends.Valid Range: Sunday to Saturday.Default: Sunday.DST End Week The week of the month when DST ends.Valid Range: 1 to 5.Default: 0.DST End Time The time of day in hours and minutes when DST ends.Valid Range: 0:00 to 23:59.Default: 0:00.