Chapter 3. CPU ConfigurationGFK-2222AD April 2018 1333.3 Storing (Downloading) Hardware ConfigurationA PACSystems control system is configured by creating a configuration file using the PME programmingand configuration software, then transferring (downloading) the file from the programmer to the CPU viaserial port COM1, serial port COM2, or via an Ethernet port. If you use a serial port, it must be configuredas RTU Slave (default) or SNP Slave.The CPU stores the configuration file in its non-volatile RAM memory. After the configuration is stored,I/O scanning is enabled or disabled per the newly stored configuration parameters.Before you can use an Ethernet Interface to store the hardware configuration to the PACSystems, youmust first set the IP Address in the Ethernet Interface either by using the Set Temporary IP Address utility(refer to Setting a Temporary IP Address) or by downloading a hardware configuration through a serialconnection.1) In the programmer software, go to theProject tab of the Navigator, right click theTarget, and choose Go Online.2) Right click the Target and choose OnlineCommands, Set Programmer Mode. Makesure the CPU is in STOP Mode.3) Right click the Target node, and chooseDownload to Controller.4) In the Download to Controller dialog box,select the items to download and click OK.Notes: If you download to a PACSystems target that already has a project on it, the existing project isoverwritten.If I/O variables are configured, hardware configuration and logic cannot be stored independently.They must be stored at the same time.If passwords have been set, when you go online, you will be taken to the highest unprotectedlevel. If no passwords have been set, you will go online with Privilege Level 4.Figure 37: Downloading Hardware Configto CPU