Note• Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy is not displayed in 64-bit editions of Windows.Support SheetSupport SheetOn the Support sheet, you can view support information and the user's manual.• A Support InformationClick to access the Canon support webpage, where you can find the latest information on the printer and con-sumables, check for printer driver updates, and browse other information.• B User ManualClick to connect to the Internet and display the printer user's manual.• C Settings SummariesClick to display the View Settings dialog box, which enables you to confirm the settings for the Main, PageSetup, Layout, and Favorites sheets.Settings Summaries Dialog BoxSettings Summaries Dialog BoxThe Settings Summaries dialog box enables you to confirm the settings for the Main, Page Setup, Layout, andFavorites sheets.• A CopyClick to copy the settings information to the clipboard. You can paste the settings information into a file createdwith a text editor or similar application.iPF840 Support SheetUser's GuideWindows Software Printer Driver187