D. Main Motor Control Circuit1. OutlineFigure 2-104 shows the circuit used to control the main motor (M1); the circuit hasthe following functions:q turns on and off the main motor.w controls the main motor to a specific rotation speed.The main motor (M1) is a DC motor that has a built-in clock pulse generator. Whenthe motor rotates, it generates clock pulse signals (MMCLK*) according to the revolutionof the motor. The speed control circuit matches the phases of the frequency of theseclock pulses and that of the reference signals to control the main motor (M1) to a specificrevolution speed.2. MechanismWhen the main motor drive signal (MMD) from the DC controller circuit goes ‘1’, thedrive circuit of the motor driver turns on, thereby rotating the main motor (M1) at aconstant speed.While the main motor is rotating at a specific speed, the motor driver PCB keepssending the specific speed state signal=0 (MLOCK*) to the DC controller PCB. If, forsome reason, an irregularity occurs in the rotation of the main motor, the MLOCK* signalgoes ‘1’.If the main motor drive signal (MMD) remains ‘1’ and the MLOCK*=0 remainsunchanged for about 1 sec, the DC controller identifies a main motor error and stops themain motor and, at the same time, indicates ‘E010’.Figure 2-104COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 2 BASIC OPERATION2-4J 501- 1- 2J 502- 2J 303- 3J 502- 1J 303- 4+34VJ 206MMDMLOCK*MMCLKM1DC controllerPCBPhase controlcircuitReference signalDrive circuitClock pulse generatorDrivecurrentMain motorHall IC outputMain motor driver PCB