D. User Mode1. OutlineThe copier provides user mode, which allows the user to change various settings orto make various adjustments on his/her own; see Table 1-402.Table 1-402DisplayCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONMenu No.12356901-12FunctionChanging the autoclear timeChanging the autopower-off timeFine adjusting(zoom)Turning on/offauto sort/non-sort(with ADF* andsorter* installed)*AccessoryCleaning the feeder(with ADF* installed)OptionSelecting a densi-ty adjustmentmethod forstandard modeInitializing usermodeDescriptionYou may set the auto clear timebetween 1 and 9 min in 1-minincrements. Setting it to ‘0’disables the function.You can set the auto power-offtime to either 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60,or 120 min.You can correct a slight discrep-ancy between original and copysizes (direct); enlarge in X direc-tion and reduce in Y directionindependent of each other.You may specify whether toevecute auto sort/non-sort.Use it to clean the pick-upassembly of the ADF.You can specify either AE ormanual for density adjustment forstandard mode.You can return settings changedin user mode to initial settings.Default settings2 min5 min± 0%OnAE