CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTING10-45III. TROUBLESHOOTING IMAGE FAULTSA. Initial Checks1. Site Environmenta. Make sure that the power supply is as specified (±10%).b. Avoid high temperature/humidity conditions; near water faucets, water boilers, andhumidifiers. Avoid areas subject to excessively low temperature, sources of fire, anddust.c. Avoid areas subject to ammonium gas.d. Avoid areas subject to direct rays of the sun; otherwise, instruct the user to providecurtains.e. Make sure the room is well ventilated.f. Make sure that the floor will keep the machine level.Check the site to see if it complies with the above requirements.2. Checking the OriginalsIdentify the problem as to whether it is caused by the machine or the original used.a. Originals with a reddish tinge result in copies with poor contrast; for example, redsheets and slips.Reference:The operation of the following heaters may be controlled by the user by changingthe respective settings; at time of shipment, the settings are at OFF—this meansthe copier may remain connected or disconnected at night. If the use of any of theheaters proves to be necessary because of unique site conditions, the copiershould remain powered at night without disconnecting its power plug.• fluorescent lamp heater (accessory)• lens mount heater• No. 2 mirror mount heaterb. Diazo copies or originals with high transparency can result in copies that can bemistaken for foggy copies. Originals prepared in pencil can result in copies that canbe mistaken for light copies.3. Checking the Copyboard Cover and the Copyboard GlassCheck the copyboard cover and the copyboard glass for dirt; if soiled, clean them usinga solution of mild detergent or alcohol; if scratched, replace them.4. Checking the Papera. Check if the paper is Canon-recommended paper.b. Check if the paper is dry; try paper fresh out of the package.COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)