B. Feeding Faults1. Double feeding2. WrinklingCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 10-81CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCauseSeparation padSpringChecksIs the separation pad deformed orworn?Step1ResultsYESNOActionReplace the separationpad.Push up the separationpad, and try replacingthe spring.CausePick-upassemblyCopy paperPaper guideLower rollerpressureTop unit,lower rollerChecksTurn off the power while copypaper is moving through thefeeding assembly. At the time, iswrinkling noted? Or, is the papermoving askew?Try fresh paper. Is the problemcorrected?Is Canon-recommended paperused?Is the paper guide soiled withtoner or the like?Is the lower roller pressure (nip)within specification?Step12345ResultsYESYESNOYESNOYESActionCheck the pick-upassembly; check theregistration roller.The paper may be moist;advise the user on thecorrect method of storingpaper.Advise the user to userecommended paper.Clean with solvent.Make adjustments.Try replacing the top unitor the lower roller.Fixing assembly