F. Correcting Displacement of the Fixing Film1. OutlineThe fixing film at times becomes displaced toward the front or rear as it keepsturning. To correct such displacement, the copier is equipped with a correctionmechanism.The control is executed by the fixing film sensor (PS9), which detects the position ofthe film, and the fixing film motor (M4), which physically corrects displacement.Reference:If you turn on the power by inserting the door switch actuator into the door switchwith the top body of the copier open, E007 will be detected, since the conditionprevents the fixing film from turning.Figure 6-105COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 6 FIXING SYSTEM6-7M1M4Fixing film posision signal (FFD)Main motor drive command (MMD)Fuser film motor drive command (FMD)DC controller PCBMain motordriver PCBTension rollerFixing filmFixing film motorMain motorFixing film sensorDeliveryDriver rollerFixing heaterPressure roller(front)