VIII. SELF DIAGNOSISA. CopierThe microprocessor on the copier’s DC controller is provided with a self diagnosismechanism that checks the condition of the machine (sensors, in particular). The copierruns self diagnosis and, when it identifies an error, indicates a code that represents eachspecific error. If the copier finds an error associated with E000, E001, E002, E003, andE004, it automatically shuts itself off (error auto power-off).Table 10-19-110-109COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6218 REV. 0 MAY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 10 TROUBLESHOOTINGCode Cause• Thermistor (TH1, TH2;displacement, poorcontact, open circuit)• Fixing heater (H1; opencircuit, crack)• Thermal fuse (FU1;malfunction)• Triac (faulty)• DC controller (faulty)• Thermistor (TH1, TH2;short circuit)• Triac (faulty)• DC controller (faulty)• Thermistor (TH1, TH2;displacement, poorcontact, open circuit)• Fixing heater (H1; opencircuit, crack)• Thermal fuse (FU1;malfunction)• Triac (faulty)• DC controller (faulty)Description• Beginning 1 second after the copy START keyis pressed, the main thermister (TH1) doesnot reach 50°C for 200 ms.• Beginning 2 second after the copy START keyis pressed, the main thermister (TH1) doesnot reach 60°C for 200 ms.• Beginning 4 second after the copy START keyis pressed, the main thermister (TH1) doesnot reach 70°C for 200 ms.• The detection temperature of the thermistor(TH1) exceeds 250°C during copying operation.• The detection temperature of the subthermistor (TH2) exceeds 260°C duringcopying operation.• The detection temperature of the thermistor(TH1, TH2) rises 30°C over the specifiedtemperature during copying operation.• The detection temperature of the thermistor(TH1, TH2) rises 30°C over the specifiedtemperature during copying operation.• The thermistor detects a rise in temperature of40°C or more during standby.• The temperature has increased over 100°C ormore within 1 sec after the thermistor (TH1,TH2) has detected 100°C.• Beginning 1 second after the main thermister(TH1) detection temperature reaches 60°C, thefirst thermister does not reach 70°C for 200 ms.• Beginning 1 second after the main thermister(TH1) detection temperature reaches 70°C, thefirst thermister does not reach 80°C for 200 ms.• Beginning 1 second after the main thermister(TH1) detection temperature reaches 80°C, thefirst thermister does not reach 90°C for 200 ms.• Beginning 1 second after the main thermister(TH1) detection temperature reaches 90°C, thefirst thermister does not reach 95°C for 200 ms.E000E001E002